2-1-1 Texas

2-1-1 is the abbreviated dialing code for free information and referrals about local community organizations and resources. It serves as the first number to call to link individuals and families to appropriate resources and information. 2-1-1 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in multiple languages.

People calling 2-1-1 in Texas are connected directly to their local Area Information Center (AIC). The AIC maintains a comprehensive regional database of resources including federal, state, and local government agencies, community based organizations, and qualified private businesses.  The South Plains region has an AIC which is located in Lubbock and serves the fifteen surrounding counties. The resources available for the South Plains region can also be found at www.211texas.org and under “Search the Database”.

2-1-1 Texas is a program of the Health and Human Services Commission in collaboration with South Plains Association of Governments.

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